Monday, January 31, 2011

Resolution Review: January

{*1.}run a 5K at my dad’s memorial walk

have not even started this…yikes! february should bring a better update:) “from couch to 5k” says i can be running a 5k in three months…i am going to put them to the test.

{*2.}read the entire Bible in 2011

i am following a “through the bible in a year” pamphlet and so far i am on track…i have read all of Genesis, Job, and have started Exodus

{*3.}have a date night once a month with joe

yay! check! we went out to the spaghetti warehouse and then to see stomp at the palace theater. we are taking turns planning the dates and arranging childcare. so in february, joe will do the planning/arranging.

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{*4.}have a day out with each kid (mom and me day)

annabelle and i are planning a trip to sweet and sassy for some pamperinging. then we are going to toys r us for a reward cash in (positive reward chart at home) gavin and josie will follow in future months.

{*5.}read one new book a month

Momology was the book of the month {along with reading the Bible} in fact, the church i attend has asked if i would facilitate a small group…i look at it as a support group of moms! i would strongly recommend this to any mama out there. it was a quick read.


{*6.}continue (and improve) our family blog

what do you think? i am open to advice!

{*7.}scrap the first year of my kiddos’ lives (most likely digital scrapbook or photo book)

not one thing done:( am going to go for a scrap weekend this spring though…in hocking hills

{*8.}lose weight…had to put this one on here

ugh…see number one!

{*9.}try one new recipe a month…that is huge for me!

chicken picate (a pioneer woman recipe) four thumbs up from my crew:)

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{*10.}be intentional about girl time with my friends

well, we met our delaware friends out for dinner, and the kiddos were loving catching up with each other, while the adults got to do some of own catching up…good times!

{*11.}journal my year (handwritten, thanks to my new journal from a dear friend)

i wish i was doing better with this one too…i have journaled only three times this month. that HAS to improve.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


so, after a snow day friday, we were all anxious to get out of the house. joe had some errands to do around town, so i took the kiddos to COSI [i haven’t been there in almost 20 years!!!!!] i used to go every year with my girl scout troop. we did the overnight stay sometimes too. i decided to load up 3 kiddos, 1 diaper bag, 1 camera, 1 stroller, and 4 eager museum explorers.

we arrived at COSI and discovered it sits off of this street…


she was pumped…ha!

so we unloaded, which is no easy feat with three kiddos and one mama (in frigid temps nonetheless…my timing is impeccable) even though we were

FAH-REEZING, i stopped to take this shot…


we then finally made it into COSI and i immediately got them to pose for me…rare that it turned out somewhat decent (really hard to accomplish with three kiddos wanting to scurry in twelve different directions (i know i am exaggerating a tad bit)…


we found this cool heartbeat drum that all three enjoyed. you place your hands on the handle bar sensor and the heart in the drum lights up and it beats to their heart beat.


i would have to say, the “kid zone” was the biggest hit of our trip. it is appropriate for ages 0-5. i got a little worried about what annabelle would do, but they have a really neat “hang out” room for kiddos over 5. there were many fun things for her to do, while her little brother and sister ran all over…


playing in an ambulance and…


playing with snow and…


and all kinds of ball play…

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some water table fun…then we picked annabelle up and headed to a few more exhibits...

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and wondering why we don’t just have random bars with holes and big screws for them to play with…they were SO occupied {and peaceful} for many minutes…ha!


finally, one of my favorite memories from my COSI trips of old…”the swinging ball thing” this was mesmerizing to the kiddos. each time we were close to it, annabelle would run over and see how many more of the small balls had fallen into the middle! so good to see that some things never change, and my kiddos don’t need a “screen” [video game, phone, tv] to be entertained.



Friday, January 21, 2011

Photo Challenge 3/52


my church…LCC…has allowed me the opportunity to meet with other moms while studying the book Momology {provided they sign up…hoping the free child care will help too}

never would i have believed i would be where i am now! 

2 Corinthians 5:7

for we walk by faith, not by sight



Saturday, January 15, 2011

these are a few of our favorite things!

so, i have had a bit of a block lately….thinking about what would even be interesting enough to document/share?! so i have decided to share some of our favorite things.  any other blog writers/followers…apply this to your blog topic and share.

In no particular order…

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2 out of 3 of our kiddos have a cup of “coffee” every morning.  we warm the milk and add a few scoops…viola!  they also enjoy this we we have…



a couple of times a month we have brinner {breakfast for dinner}.  joe cooks up a mean sausage gravy and we have biscuits, bacon, eggs, and coffee (regular for joe and i & ovaltine for annabelle and gavin…josie prefers straight up milk).

Next up is…





these are two shows we enjoy as a family.  So of course i can’t forget my HUGE obsession with…


our DVR…best invention E-V-E-R!!!!

while we are watching these TV shows, we usually have…




we LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE to snuggle up under blankies…especially our sherpa lined blankets.  we all own a pair of slippers since our home is completely carpet-less (all wood or ceramic tile)…we have found slippers a necessity.

so, now i ask you…what are a few of your [or your family’s] favorite things?


Monday, January 10, 2011

Photo Challenge 2/52

this week i choose a picture of gavin for the 52 week photo challenge.  tonight after dinner (and his dessert of a candy cane), he was playing with some blocks so intently.  his face with the candy cane residue along with the serious expression was priceless [to me]

enjoy week 2 of 52…


Thursday, January 6, 2011

Photo Challenge 1/52

a friend of mine on facebook mentioned two awesome photo challenges for the year.  there is a 52 week challenge {post your best/favorite photo of the week} and/or the 365 day challenge {post a photo a day for an entire year}.  both would make neat photo books or scrapbooks.  so, i am easing into this with the 52 week challenge.  i figure it is more attainable to get one good photo a week than one photo a day.

we have our nice, new~old home with a LOT of empty wall space.  this challenge is not only helping me keep up on a favorite hobby, but in the long run, will help fill my walls with [hopefully] some great photos. 

i encourage you to join along.  my photos are not always going to be of the kiddos, although they are my favorite subjects! i am really liking how this challenge has me looking at the world around me in a new way.  i am constantly seeing things and thinking…”would that be a good photo of the week?”

drum roll…………week 1/52

{josie pushing a grocery cart full of books, which are her favorite thing right now…also, she is in her first pair of big girl panties! my third and final child is potty training…yay!}


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Happy New Year!


it is resolution time… have you come up with any? like my mom, i enjoy matching numbers (1~1~11).  so no better time than today to share my list.  i have 11 resolutions for 2011:

[in no particular order]

{*1.}run a 5K at my dad’s memorial walk

{*2.}read the entire Bible in 2011

{*3.}have a date night once a month with joe

{*4.}have a day out with each kid (mom and me day)

{*5.}read one new book a month

{*6.}continue (and improve) our family blog

{*7.}scrap the first year of my kiddos’ lives (most likely digital scrapbook or photo book)

{*8.}lose weight…had to put this one on here

{*9.}try one new recipe a month…that is huge for me!

{*10.}be intentional about girl time with my friends

{*11.}journal my year (handwritten, thanks to my new journal from a dear friend)

2010 {the last half of it anyway} was trying and emotionally draining for us.  i pray 2011 has wonderful things in store.  i would love to hear what your “resolutions” are for 2011.

much love,
