Thursday, February 9, 2012

Photo Challenge…day 2, 3, and 4

Day 2: what you wore today

*disclaimer…i took these ~day 2 and 3~ on my phone and for some reason they wouldn’t open when i emailed them to myself. so i got out my “real” camera and took a photo of my phone…won’t be doing that again!!!

since we don’t have full length mirrors at home, i couldn’t take a picture of the clothes on me…so here you go!


Day 3: clouds

This fell on a day when the snow was falling…at a stop sign (with no one behind me) i took this photo of my street. i thought somehow josie had messed with my photo setting my phone because it looked sepia. There really weren’t any clouds in sight but i thought it looked neat.


sorry this is crooked…but you get the idea. Note to self…use my “real” camera whenever possible!

Day 4: something green

at first i was going to use this picture of gavin holding his new, green pencil

005 because he had just written this…

016 his “spelling test”

to translate…and he did this all on his own!


on go

off Josie (had trouble with s)

no me


at the beginning of the year i told his teacher i just wanted him to want to write his name. Now he is finally writing his name AND sounding out words!!!! One proud mama (and papa) here!

but…as i went through the day, i looked down and found something else green…


my donate life bracelet. i was given this at my dad’s funeral. he made the decision to be a donor well before he suddenly passed away, and i couldn’t be more proud of his decision! that selfless decision has brought me so much peace. i already was an organ donor (on my license) but i know his decision to donate life has helped others in my family realize the importance of giving life. thank you dad! i think of you every day…


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